15 FACTS about Hearthstone PACKS! The Witchwood, How many packs to buy and Legendary chances!

By the 18th century, the term "statistics" designated the systematic collection of demographic and economic data by states.
The term "mathematical statistics" designates the mathematical theories of probability and statistical inference, which are used in statistical practice.
Blaise Pascal, an early pioneer on the mathematics of probability.

15 FACTS about Hearthstone PACKS! The Witchwood, How many packs to buy and Legendary chances!

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Karl Pearson was a founder of mathematical statistics.


About: 15 FACTS about Hearthstone PACKS! The Witchwood, How many packs to buy and Legendary chances!


15 FACTS about Hearthstone PACKS! The Witchwood, How many packs to buy and Legendary chances!

Please add arabic language subtitles ♥️🌹
I’m from the future
I might be wrong. But I don’t think you should add the chances to get a right answer concerning the chance of getting lord godfrey. I instead multiplied the chances of not getting him. 0,945*0,955*0.952*0,95*0,947=0,77 this means it roughly is a 23% chance of getting him. I might be wrong though, long time ago I was I school
Nice math noob. If i will open 1000 packs, then i will 100% have godfry
bullsh1t i opened twice 50 pacs buyed with gold , i got 0 legendary NONE this is for you kids to buy theyr sh1t
OMG, I got the 6 6 ? Golden Legendary you featured in the vid!
If you consider the percentage of an expansion in dust and not in number of cards, with 100 pack you get only the 40% and not the 75%
So, there's no chance to get another copy of a legendary except Knuckles?
no packs f2p btw
Car-Tu-En????? Who iz dis?
its actually extremely weird these packs. i think ive open like 250pack my entire HS life and compared to how low the chances for a golden epic is. ive got extremely maybe 20+ deffinatly . but never tried to get a good epic or a golden epic and really rarely golden rare
Fact 15 someone already did that and with 3 golden legendaries too
Got a face collector fml
Fact 1-15 if you even have 1 card from the expabtion you will get another 4 on a single pack

0. Always 0 packs. i dont buy packs. i spend all my gold arena and arena only. All i play is Arena.

Hearthstone is only "alright" cz of arena.

did i mention arena yet?
I opened 20 packs on the launch of WW and got 1 legendary and 2 golden cards. I have opened about 30 packs since and still no legendary.
These are some messed up chances
Is that for all packs?
I got 2 golden legendaries in 5 packs!

What is statistics?
Statistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics.