A Complete Debunk of Every Cowspiracy Statistic

By the 18th century, the term "statistics" designated the systematic collection of demographic and economic data by states.
The term "mathematical statistics" designates the mathematical theories of probability and statistical inference, which are used in statistical practice.
Blaise Pascal, an early pioneer on the mathematics of probability.

A Complete Debunk of Every Cowspiracy Statistic

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Length seconds: 25m 12s


Did you know?

Karl Pearson was a founder of mathematical statistics.


About: A Complete Debunk of Every Cowspiracy Statistic


A Complete Debunk of Every Cowspiracy Statistic

Thank you for this! I believe that Cowspiracy Is another piece of propaganda used by Al Gore and his cronies to control and divide the American population.
lying 101 i see. this is bs
Choose LoVe! ❤️✌️🌍🌱🙂 love & peace you all!
Girl you sure do love your Big Mac, thumbs down to your video that is clearly funded by Animal Agriculture mafias and false facts you provided. Everything in cowspiracy is backed up by real facts provided by top universities and researching companies in the world. Thumbs down
You are offering anecdotal solutions to global problems because the solutions are not widespread that you say are being carried out. Also the dead zones that you mention that you mention that animal agriculture is not solely responsible for are principally victims of agriculture. It may not be animal agriculture but it is the agriculture for growing food that supports the feed production for the animals. Please do not confabulate things How disingenuous
What you fucks don't seem to understand, is that we are cool with you ingesting cancerous, past consumption date, decaying flesh. become shit. We cool with it, I'll enjoy myself seeing meat consumption related extremely ill and fat fucks everywhere. Also, stop being a pussy and attack animals with your own hands, don't pay for others to do it. If you do, you can go teeth first for all care you've earned it.
At the end of the day, eating animals is wrong!!🤔
I don't know whose facts are manipulated , yours or that showed in cowspiracy but one thing I must say... No fact or Statics can prove right, the brutal killings of innocent animals, treating them like objects and doing engineering in their genetics for your own benefit. As there's a need of human rights there must be animal rights. They're living beings. you're evolved superior doesn't mean you've all the rights to treat them as you wish.....“There can't be any human way to kill an animal”
Bht what about my feelings?
"Leaving aside for the moment any conclusions about the potential of livestock to help solve our environmental problems, the livestock systems that operate today cause an enormous amount, and many kinds of, environmental damage. To raise the animals we eat and use, we have cleared forests, driven species to extinction, polluted air and waterways, and released vast quantities of GHG emissions into the atmosphere. The rearing of animals has literally transformed the face of this earth" 
That is part of the conclusion of the Paper: "Grazed and confused", by "Food Climate Research Network", "Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food" and "Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford"

Read: “OPINION: Is Documentary ‘Kiss The Ground’ Just A Last Ditch Effort To Keep Meat Relevant?” by nutritionist Simon Hill and environmental scientist Nicholas Carter. Especially look at the references in the article marked with some kind of color.

And read: “Beef Rules” by Jonathan Foley.

Also read “Holistic Management - a critical review of Allan Savory’s grazing method” and listen to the Podcast “Can holistic grazing reverse climate change? A review of Kiss the Ground”
This is a fake news.
Your points are very weak. you said its so good they poop so much but actually , its a problem because they poop too much and they have to pipe it to huge manure ponds just full of poop. it can be used for fertilizer, but sometimes they suck it up and spray it in the air. it lands on people, their cars, their houses, their backyards, it land everywhere!! you want poop to land on you ???
1:19 «Im not gonna make you take my word for it» ok.. so FARMING TRUTHS word for it?.. and you have been researching for a pretty long time on FARMING TRUTHS.. funded by cow lives bread to existence and amazonas burned down to give cows enough space to be grass fed?.. great idea right keep them cows coming.. if i wanna do extensive scientific research start a place where its not funded by those who wants you to brainwash you’r decision making for them to profit of you, people will after all only be willing to hear GOOD ((NEWS)) about their BAD HABITS :-) arrogantly ranting for 30min claiming you know the “truth”
"Most grains are used to feed livestock rather than humans." Uhhh...yeah. Maybe that's because most grains are literally inedible to humans. Better to give all the wasted grains that humans can't digest to animals that CAN digest it and in return feed us. If 90% of vegans end up quitting plant based diets and return to eating meat, there's clearly underlying health problems with the vegan diet that aren't being addressed.
A pound to a piece of shit this narrator didn't make this BS & is just reading a script.
Thank you for this video. I watched this and nearly became vegan because of what the documentary shared. I can’t believe I was so easily manipulated like that. I don’t want to be vegan because of lies! There’s nothing wrong with being vegan, it’s great, but it’s so wrong for people to lie about it
The FAO study Cowspiracy refers to was revoked by its editor. That is all. The rest of the data is less important. The cheat is so huge, you don't need a debate.
Great documentary, unfortunately the author still believe in that hoax of climate change.
Total bullshit and manipulation of facts by farming truth. You should change the name of your channel to 💯% farming lies
You mentioned climate change/global warming. Can you do a video on this false nonsense too? Global warming is a con!!

What is statistics?
Statistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics.