Christopher Walken and The Brain discuss physics

By the 18th century, the term "statistics" designated the systematic collection of demographic and economic data by states.
The term "mathematical statistics" designates the mathematical theories of probability and statistical inference, which are used in statistical practice.
Blaise Pascal, an early pioneer on the mathematics of probability.

Christopher Walken and The Brain discuss physics

View: 499540
Average user rating 3577
Length seconds: 2m 5s


Did you know?

Karl Pearson was a founder of mathematical statistics.


About: Christopher Walken and The Brain discuss physics


Christopher Walken and The Brain discuss physics

Judge Ito presiding.
Awful Walken. Jay Mohr is the Walken Master. THE PROOF
How do the voice actors keep a straight face?
Are we all going to ignore the fact that the judge is Lance Ito? Lol
How has Christopher walkens not played a lawyer in a movie or show?
Man don't you know your quantum statistics?
The Brain sounds like Orson Welles
You can tell everyone on ANIMANIACS & PINKY & THE BRAIN had too much fun when Jeff Bennett broke out his Christopher Walken voice. Impeccable AND hilarious.

Also, when Walken lawyer says Brain is just an odd-looking little man, all I could think of was THE BEAR THAT WASN'T.
"You are not a mouse. You're a tiny man who needs a shave & wears a fur coat."
Used to watch this as an undergrad. Took me a while to convince my roomies that this was amongst the finest and smartest writing around. It was compulsive viewing once this was clear.
The lawyer: Your honor, Mr Brain has too much cowbell!
Isn't that Johnny Bravo's voice actor as Christopher Walken?
Anyone laughing at this now after realizing the judge is a caricature of Judge Ito from the OJ trials?
Sounds like he's Voiced by Jeff Bennett, Like How He's Voiced Tong fo from Kung fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness and Big Bad Wolf from the 7d.
I enjoy the judge Lansito cameo.
Contrary to what the Brain says, I think that Peter Hastings (the writer of this episode, and "Yes, Always" among others) really did write his best material.
I like the part where Brain says narf. Pinky is a lot more helpful than we give him credit for.
Was that Jeff Bennet?

What is statistics?
Statistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics.