Mass Incarceration in the US

By the 18th century, the term "statistics" designated the systematic collection of demographic and economic data by states.
The term "mathematical statistics" designates the mathematical theories of probability and statistical inference, which are used in statistical practice.
Blaise Pascal, an early pioneer on the mathematics of probability.

Mass Incarceration in the US

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Length seconds: 3m 41s


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Karl Pearson was a founder of mathematical statistics.


About: Mass Incarceration in the US


Mass Incarceration in the US

When the republioons are back in, they will be jailing your teans for life for secting.
Prisons are privitized. It is a billion dollar industry. A lot of innocent people are locked up because they have poor representation. I was locked up at age 71 years old because I refused to talk to the Feds without a lawyer present. Of course I am black and a minority.
very cruel and theres people in there for life for mild fotos of adolesents. yeh not wrap...
This video has done so much to change my opinion, I still think of it 10 years later. Hank we need a TikTok version!!!
Sadism is normalised in the US; that stuffs prisons nicely, since it's still illegal to get high on hurting people, unless you're a cop!
The state prison makes you work with no pay. Fed and state have many ways to make money off tax payer and prisoner.
Prisons are making money. It's a company. And america gets to disarm the public.
“Punishment, correction and deterrence”… This is how perversely distorted the “justice” structure is, how wickedly abnormal the laws have become, a reflection of how unhealthy and grossly amoral the culture really is. The very heart of the ethical principles of justice has been thoroughly snuffed out, no longer serving as a service to administer mediation and remedy to a claimant/victim that is fair (just) to all parties, but instead as a form of revenge on behalf of the State, quite literally for sport. 

To clarify this to the American civilians, the US judiciary, in writing for the majority has asserted; “The US constitution does not forbid execution of the innocent…innocence is not enough to avoid the death penalty. The primary purpose of the judiciary is retribution and deterrence.” The judiciary has repeatedly ruled that government officials have no duty to protect the rights, lives, property, liberty, or safety of any civilians at all. Instead, the primary ambition is to mete out the greatest amount of pain, suffering and abuse possible upon civilians to acheive loyal servitude to the aspirations of the regime by all means conceivable.

Which begs a sincere and critical question, if it is society who is to serve and protect the whims of the regime, what exactly then is the purpose of civilians continuing to entertain this draconian government at all?
There's punishment, then there's torture.
as a person in far freer europe. this is sickening
I went through the system as well, and lost my 20’s. I thankfully live in a state where voting rights were restored upon discharge, got a passport (yet to travel though), and can receive food stamps as well! And PELL grant (did three semesters of college even!). The only felons that cannot get PELL is drug offenders (at least best to my knowledge). Prison was many things, but rehabilitative? NO.
It needs a MAJOR overhaul, also equal to mass incarceration SHOULD BE the whole judicial process. How they prey on the poor and struggling middle class, yet the rich and other elite of society (or former cops and lawyers/ DA’s/ judges) just turn a blind to the other’s misdeeds whereas they’d throw the book at anyone else? Sickening…nothing short of it.
Never minding the equal protection we’re supposed to see and get under the Federal Constitution. In my mind? It’s been nothing more than glorified T. P. For the last 50+ years (at least). The whole thing of it makes me want to pull my hair out.
Well the military is having a problem with recruiting enough people to make the mental soldiers so these incarcerated people for whatever reason whether it be in a scam or not they're locked up with nothing to do but sit around and get more stupider put them in the military don't get you ain't even got to give him a gun but it's a lot of jobs they can do in military so us prior service people can go do to do while they hold down the fort
8 years later and nothing has changed.
Came here to learn about mass incarceration. Got about half way through it. Too many inaccuracies.
I wonder if things have improved since years ago.
Not like that but I don't care cuz I don't know anybody on this YouTube channel the 13-year-old that the video is referring to let's say he killed a family of five how much compassion should Society have yes he can be rehabilitated but there has to be some type of punishment as a deterrent from that behavior happening again what other behavior modification is there
Stop incarceration in the US. Instead, tattoo the crime committed on the forehead of the offender.
How Incarceration affected this man Family Structure while doing over 47 yrs in prison.
Prison is a dead god worshipped in the United States ⚘🌚👍rest in the good news ⚘ okay bye
Easy answer: DON'T COMMIT CRIMES !!!

What is statistics?
Statistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics.