The Fallen of World War II

By the 18th century, the term "statistics" designated the systematic collection of demographic and economic data by states.
The term "mathematical statistics" designates the mathematical theories of probability and statistical inference, which are used in statistical practice.
Blaise Pascal, an early pioneer on the mathematics of probability.

The Fallen of World War II

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Length seconds: 18m 31s


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Karl Pearson was a founder of mathematical statistics.


About: The Fallen of World War II


The Fallen of World War II

My long overdue response to all the comments about the film's use of the phrase "Nazi soldiers." It was a mistake, and I regret it. When we recorded the narration for the other languages (available on the Vimeo account), I corrected it so that it states "German soldiers." I need to go into the recording studio and make the correction to the english version too (along with a handful of other corrections), but I have regrettably not yet done so.
While it was certainly an error, I do not think it fits the comparisons many are making, i.e. that it is like calling American soldiers "Republican soldiers." I want to point out that in the case of Nazi Germany, it is correct to say Nazi invasions, led my Nazi commanders, which became Nazi occupations as part of a Nazi war effort. Calling soldiers of a Nazi war effort Nazi soldiers was a mistake, for sure, but a more complicated mistake than such analogies. As a personal note, I will say that I have close family members in Germany, and I feel that the transformation of the country after the war is a beautiful and inspiring story that we often take for granted. The word Nazi is often used to show separation between the German people today and a political movement of their past. In this case I screwed up and got it backwards.
Thank you!
And it all could have been avoided had the UK just surrendered when it was clear they lost the war.
And today the US claims, "they" won the war... (like vietnam and afghanistan i guess)
There's a serious mistake @03:17.
It wasn't just Germany who started WWII, it was Germany and its ally, Soviet Russia, who both started the war. They both signed Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact of aggression in late August and invaded Poland in September.
Also, I wouldn't trust Allied, including Soviet, sources in regards to estimate of Soviet casualties here.
6 million polish died
"How could the world ever know the price paid by soldiers in terror, agony and bloodshed if they've never been to places like normandy, bastone and hageneau?"
It's indane to me how much people lost.

Like sure russia lost 15-20 million but they have such huge population

It's insane to me how germany must have looked in 1946. Just empty
Polish losses during WWII 1939-1945 under German and Soviet occupation:
Population – 22%
Physicians – 39%
Teachers – 33%
Scientists – 30%
Priests – 28%
Lawyers – 26%
where the f is norway
How insignificant the USSR was, it could only crush with meat, brainless slaves fought for their dictator, as they are now. I hate my great-grandfathers who fought for Soviet power
I was forced to imregnate my six sisters because of decline in our population here in serbia.
Brother, you did something so great, don't let sensitive sallies make you feel bad by nitpicking details. The overall net positive this video does for the world outweighs any of it.
its about to happen again. were fucked
And west dares to defend nazis in ukraine to put in the border with russia
Oh god...
Thank you for making me better understand the great amount of losses of the brave soilders in ww2
…and there was war in Heaven
2025 WW3
No mention of India where our hitler was Churchill killing 8-9 million through engineered famine. Hitler and war for west was at their home, but both the “good” and the “bad” guys of the European war were monsters for us.

What is statistics?
Statistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics.