The gender wage gap uses bogus statistics | FACTUAL FEMINIST

By the 18th century, the term "statistics" designated the systematic collection of demographic and economic data by states.
The term "mathematical statistics" designates the mathematical theories of probability and statistical inference, which are used in statistical practice.
Blaise Pascal, an early pioneer on the mathematics of probability.

The gender wage gap uses bogus statistics | FACTUAL FEMINIST

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Karl Pearson was a founder of mathematical statistics.


About: The gender wage gap uses bogus statistics | FACTUAL FEMINIST


The gender wage gap uses bogus statistics | FACTUAL FEMINIST

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Equal work should be equal pay 100%. If the work is not equal the pay should not be equal. Vehicle Mechanics protect people from potential crashes and saves countless lifes in the process however they do not get paid as much as a doctor does. Yet i have never heard a mechanic speak of this. The point i am making is too many feminists complain about a pay gap where the woman is doing different work from what the man is. Also do men get paid equally to women in adult content/p0rn i seriously doubt it.
You know what. I’m subscribed. Watched your videos. Good job.
And here i was worrying if true feminism has died, nah she lives 🥲
here's the gap I'd like to find, where women work (produce) more and are paid the same (or less)
Why do we never hear about the employment gap where Black men suffer twice the unemployment rate of White women? And what is the pay gap between Black men and White women? What is the pay gap between an unemployed Black man and an employed White woman?
This proves there's only 2 genders.
Thanks. The world needed that.
Thank you very much
So think about this as a business owner, if the wage gap were real why would a business owner hire a male if he could hire more women and pay them less. The business owner could hire more women than men which also mean that business's productivity would be higher. When put like this it makes absolutely no sense to ever hire a man when looked at, on a productively level with the wage gap.
How come no one including Feminists talk about the Suicide and HOmeless Gap- that the vast Majority of Suicide are Men and the vast amount of the Homeless are Men. How come no one pays attention to this. I think because LIberals and Feminists don't want to admit these facts. Also, Conservatives don't like talking about these facts because they don't want to spend Government money to help anyone except the Rich and Wealthy.
Why all feminist don't actually study the facts like you do? why are some of them in the favor of killing men? I mean modern society needs men to operate at least 65% of it and men need women for living a life.
Professor,I’m curious to know how this whole mess information and third wave feminism started. What provoked all this? If you could change one thing in history to prevent us all from happening, what would it be?
Where is this so called analysis of 50 pier reviewed papers? And who is funding you to study them in their entirety?
I think the important question to ask here is: What are you trying to accomplish with this blog, and how do you have the time to continue to dole out these so called facts? I don't see any ads that are actually funding this enormous amount of information? So either you are being funded by some right wing political group or you're just a bored and clueless housewife like Phyllis Shlafly who has been sheltered her entire life by marriage and has never experienced the real world.

Find something more useful to do with your time besides disrupting the future of higher consciousness, equality, and defending barbaric, patriarchal, outdated systems. Women of lower social economic status are still and always will be sought out and prayed on by older, successful men who want to protect their interests so campaigns that raise awareness about equality are still very much needed.
Stop saying that it's because of different choices. Its simple. There is no wage gap. There is a massive WORK GAP.
When you explain that men work more. They work harder jobs. They work dangerous jobs...

Women fall short. This is the work gap.
So is the gender pay gap a thing in America I'm not to sure I understood her in the video
I remembered that a while back some Feminists were invited to Congress to Discuss the Suggested "Wage Gap". and the most common answer they gave to 90% of the information that was RELEVANT to the understanding of IF there is a pay gap was "WE DO NOT COLLECT THAT INFORMATION." Huh wonder why you would Refuse to accept information that would give you a Concise showing of IF there were a actual pay gap. but they did state that the Gap was determined not by ONLY FULL TIME EMPLOYEES like they claim but also part time. They admitted in congress that there was only about 1/3 the number of women Full time employees by choice as the men, so they treated PART TIME EMPLOYEES as the same as Full time employees. So they admitted to padding the numbers to BOOST their facts thus making them lies. Yes a part time Female employee is to be paid AS MUCH as a Full time woman so she can be counted when discussing the pay gap, rather then decreasing the number of MEN to make the number equal, because that TO would destroy their "FACTS"
I'm a newbie to your videos. First impressions > Breath of fresh air against the stench of pseudo-gender-equality, AKA feminism.
It's much easier to indoctrinate than to educate. Education requires study, fact checking, objectivity, research and probably most important of all, listening. And that process requires dedication and hard work. It requires curiosity to ask questions and to argue, to reason and to discuss.
Indoctrination on the other hand, ignores the facts and gets right down to making statements that are often rife with spin, catch phrases, cliches and so on. But most importantly, it requires acceptance, for whatever reason, without critical thinking.
Never thought i'd see a critical thinking feminist. Hats off to you madam.
If there were a world president, I wish it would be her

What is statistics?
Statistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics.