The last banana: A thought experiment in probability - Leonardo Barichello

By the 18th century, the term "statistics" designated the systematic collection of demographic and economic data by states.
The term "mathematical statistics" designates the mathematical theories of probability and statistical inference, which are used in statistical practice.
Blaise Pascal, an early pioneer on the mathematics of probability.

The last banana: A thought experiment in probability - Leonardo Barichello

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Karl Pearson was a founder of mathematical statistics.


About: The last banana: A thought experiment in probability - Leonardo Barichello


The last banana: A thought experiment in probability - Leonardo Barichello

The most valuable example of probability

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Kitty!! (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
This definetely counts as game theory
If you still don’t understand and can’t calculate the probability for player 2 I’m going to explain. So we know that the Vance for player 1 winning is 16/36 and we also know that we can get that by multiplying the chance that both dice get 1,2,3 or 4 together e.g 4/6*4/6=16/36 or 4/9 but the other one is harder. With the other one since ther only needs to be one event for player two to win so you can’t just multiply. But you have to add instead, so to add you just add the probability that you get 5 or 6 right? No you have to add every probability. To start you must analyze everything that could happening which leads us to four scenarios

1 dice 1 and dice 2 both roll numbers less than 5

2 dice 1 and dice 2 both roll numbers 5 or more

3 dice 1 rolls a number less than 5 and dice 2 rolls a number 5 or more

4 dice 1 rolls a number 5 or more and dice 2 rolls a number less than 5

In these scenarios you have to calculate all the probabilities that player 2 wins and add them, so in scenario 1 player 2 loses so we ignore that one. The chance of scenario 2 occurring is 1/3 * 1/3 = 1/9
The chance of scenario 3 occurring is the chance that dice 2 rolls 5 or 6(1/3)times the chance that dice 1 doesn’t roll 5 or 6(4/6) e.g 1/3 *4/6 = 2/9 and since scenario 3 and 4 are the same the outcome for scenario 4 will also be 2/9 so when you add everything up you get 1/9 + 2/9 +2/9 = 5/9 and 5/9 also Equals 20/ 36
Just grow more bananas lol
More like a fellow cat-away
How can the biggest number be 1?
If i were given this banana to eat after solving this question, I'd literally throw it on the cat's face 🤣
But the video and explanation was wonderful. Loved the animation and the efforts 😉
Probability admits a lack of information. It's a best guess based on what you know at the moment. However, how a player rolls the dice, how they land, how the edges of the die catch the table's surface will absolutely determine the result. Actually the result is determined before the die is cast. If one could know 100% of the information of all the forces, vectors, mass, etc. involved before and during the cast of a die, one could predict exactly the result. "Odds" of something happening boils down to a best guess. Take a horse race for example. If one could know the background of every horse, it's genetics and lineage, how it feels [health wise before and during the race, the jockey's condition past and present, how each horse might react to its post position, track conditions, etc. and know all these variables to 100%, then the results of the race is a fait accompli. Conclusion: Hard determinism.
minimal raup bang
Snikers ad for nerds 🤓
I remember our maths teacher showed us this video and she paused the video to let us guess. I was the only person in the classroom of like, 20 kids, to say player 2 has better odds and everyone looked at me like I was insane. Lo and behol, I was right and I was literally thinking of it exactly like the table form. The way my brain thought of it was that player two only needs ONE dice to land on 5 or 6, while player one needs BOTH die to be 1 to 4, and having less conditions will always give you higher odds.
Explanation is innovative but its not audiobale i.e sound is very slow
P(player 2 win) = 1 - (4/6)^2 = 0.56
He is interested in anything but having 1-4 on both dice.
so no wanna talk about, how a banana came to that island, (From coconut tree? )
2022: 275

What is statistics?
Statistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics.