The Top Five Feminist Myths of All Time | FACTUAL FEMINIST

By the 18th century, the term "statistics" designated the systematic collection of demographic and economic data by states.
The term "mathematical statistics" designates the mathematical theories of probability and statistical inference, which are used in statistical practice.
Blaise Pascal, an early pioneer on the mathematics of probability.

The Top Five Feminist Myths of All Time | FACTUAL FEMINIST

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Karl Pearson was a founder of mathematical statistics.


About: The Top Five Feminist Myths of All Time | FACTUAL FEMINIST


The Top Five Feminist Myths of All Time | FACTUAL FEMINIST

Its 2024 and they're still saying the same BS in Australia.
Women love playing the victim
Feminis5s are liars
Thank you!
in the 1950s Yuri Bezmenov was a Soviet informant and KGB operative who defected to the United States in the early 70s. He laid out the soviet plan to destroy America from within “Deception Was My Job”, he laid out the four stages of “ideological subversion” created by radical Marxists to indoctrinate and weaken nations from within. In 1950 America was strong and so was their families we made everything, unemployment was low, crime was low, the dollar was strong and we had religion. Then Khrushchev the Russian Communist leader said we will destroy America from within. Then we got the feminist book 1963 and no fault divorce, alimony, child support and division of property and the family was destroyed and gays were pushed into the church. After the divorce the boys lived with mom and were abandoned at home and later the books authors husband said the feminist book was pure fiction. Women were taught and were played by the communists to hate men, we dont need religion and now its China controlling the women also to destroy America. Look how the feminist hate Trump who made America strong and kept us out of wars and gas was 1.50 a gallon and now with B its gone as high as 9.50 a gallon but they hate Trump but cant tell you why and we are in constant wars. Most women today hate men and are controlled by the neo cons with white guilt, financed based economy, mass immigration, endless neocon wars and are single living alone with no children with a dog living in an apartment at 50 and realize white men were not their enemy. Most women get a college ed and get a gov job and are wok leftist that are lazy and cant fix anything and are useless played creatures that men avoid.
This woman is the definition of toxic.
Verizon must be run by narcissistic, toxic feminists if their terribly insulting and oppressive commercials are any indication. I was raised by a horribly abusive mother, so I can spot them a mile a way. Toxicity at its finest. Very sad.
Woke feminist narcissists.
If women can vote, then they should also be eligible for the draft. Feminists like eqaulity when it benefits them, only.
I treat everyone with kindness and empathy.but I'm tired of being treated like dort by feminists. Woke, toxic, narcissists. My partner and I always say that feminists are some of the worst humans in our society.
Check your facts...yep...
Excellent and always timely information, thank you!
Shut uo
4:38 It is not admirable to treat and care about one group of people better than another group of people.
They know they are lying but do not care as long as it supports their dogma
The wage gap is calculated by income tax returns. It averages in women who have zero and less income. It includes stay at home women who do not work. It is important when refuting this myth that the way it is calculated is mentioned.
In spite of being male, I've always supported equality for women or, alternately, equality for all human beings. However it seems as if a subset of feminists feel that men are the enemy, which makes me reticent to lend support.
In order for feminism to exist, MEN had to build a society that was free, safe, and prosperous. Until men built such a society, feminism was absolutely impossible. Once they had built such a society, they were stupid enough to listen to women who said that it was "unfair" that women had no voice in running the society. Wanting to be "fair," men gave women the vote. It has taken women a little over a century to destroy the free, safe, and prosperous society that men had spent centuries building. So feminism is on the way out. It cannot exist in the sort of society that WOMEN have created. I hope that if future generations of men build another free, safe, and prosperous society (and it will probably take centuries to do so), they have enough sense to keep women out of any sort of political power.
I wish she’d gone into the first ‘fact’ more, investigated why there’s such reliable discrepancies between important variables in the wage gap analysis, and also forced attempted kissing surely is sexual assault!
Thank you Christina,,,,,,,,We so need responsible educated women to stand up against this gross nonsense and misreporting
If you cannot prove your assertions with facts, make them up.
Feminists who started propagating those lies did not misunderstand the studies AT ALL, they knew exactly what they're doing. It's all about power and money.
It's very easy to claim 20% of female college students are rape victims when you manipulate "rape" to mean anything you want it to mean.
Those insisting that a gender
wage gap favoring males based on
discrimination against females
have also apparently overlooked
the existence of The Equal Pay Act Of 1963.

What is statistics?
Statistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics.