What is Schizophrenia? Lesser Known Facts

By the 18th century, the term "statistics" designated the systematic collection of demographic and economic data by states.
The term "mathematical statistics" designates the mathematical theories of probability and statistical inference, which are used in statistical practice.
Blaise Pascal, an early pioneer on the mathematics of probability.

What is Schizophrenia? Lesser Known Facts

View: 3490
Average user rating 85
Length seconds: 4m 33s


Did you know?

Karl Pearson was a founder of mathematical statistics.


About: What is Schizophrenia? Lesser Known Facts


What is Schizophrenia? Lesser Known Facts

Mental illness are sucks.
I pray for everyone
this can be done with remote nueral monitoring people do this to make people go crazy for the doctors to profit its voice 2 skull audio spotlights this is not always a mental issue more of a electronic harassment dont be fooled they use 3d chat bots with generated voices with chat scripts with voice
Good vid
hey umm my girl friend has schizophrenia and I regally speak to them is that bad?
finally someone on youtube who actually has schizophrenia I have schizophrenia to people look at me weirdly when I suddenly yell shut up for no reason
Thanks for making this. I have schizophrenia (I'm still in grade school), and last time I told somebody about it, they told many others and I was harassed at school. Then the voices picked up and it was terrible.
Does Schizophrenia have visual hallucinations, and paranoia? I just wanted to know because I exhibit both. Also, great video, I really want to start raising awareness for mental illnesses, and hopefully be able to help people that are in need. :)
My friend said she wanted to be schizophrenic... WTF?
Thank you, that's an awfully sad video, yet inspiring.
Nice video. I'm on my way to recovery. There is hope. But most of all don't give up. Keep striving and trying to get better.

What is statistics?
Statistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics.